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MREP can help you identify and implement energy-efficiency opportunities that will improve occupant comfort and light quality. MREP can also help you comply with environmental regulations. Potential facility improvements include:

  • Lighting
  • Building envelope
  • Heating, cooling, & ventilation
  • Motors
  • Manufacturing processes
  • Refrigeration
  • Irrigation
  • Pollution prevention

How it Works

A limited number of Montana businesses, non-profits, and government entities will be selected to receive no-cost energy audits based on their potential for energy savings. Contact the Montana Resource Efficiency Program to learn more about how our services can help you. Below are the types of facilities that we can serve:

  • Schools
  • Government
  • Manufacturing/Industrial
  • Offices
  • Brewery/Distillery
  • Retail/Convenience Stores
  • Outdoor Lighting
  • Lodging
  • Healthcare

Case Studies

There is nothing better than learning from experience. The Case Studies section of the MREP website is devoted to those Montana businesses that MREP has assisted.

Tool Kits

Sometimes the right tool can make all the difference.  We’ve developed a series of energy efficiency toolkits that describe energy efficiency measures and efficiency opportunities for different building types. Click on the conservation measure or the building type to go to the toolkit:

Energy Efficiency Measure

Building Type Toolkit